No archive open: aborting.7This action allows you to send this archive via e-mail.,This action allows you to sign this archive./This action allows you to encrypt this archive./This action allows you to decrypt this archive.AThis action allows you to create a self-extracting archive (SFX).qThis action allows you to create a self-extracting archive from an existing zip file: you must select a zip file.HThis action allows you to create ten copies of an existing archive file.[This action allows you to distribute this archive on a set of floppy disks (Disk Spanning).eThis action allows you to recreate an archive distributed on a set of floppy disks (Disk Unspanning).UThis action allows you to print the list of the files compressed in this zip archive.JThis action allows you to export in a zip archive current ZipGenius Theme.FThis action allows you to send via the files list of this zip archive.:This action allows you to publish this archive on the Web.@This action allows you to download an archive from the Internet.MThis action allows you to export the file list to a plain text document (TXT)